The Latest Trend In Business
|Trends come and go, some of them last for a decade or even longer, and some will barely last a week. But just because they don’t stay, that’s not to say that they’re not worth talking about. Today, I want to talk about the latest trend that all businesses are following, being aware of the Coronavirus.
I don’t know if any of you have heard of this thing called “Coronavirus“. But it started in Wuhan in China, at the wet food markets when someone decided to have Bat for their lunch.
A virus who lived in the Bat managed to mutate so that it could infect human beings. Once one man got it, it was just a matter of time before he passed it onto others in the city, and then the country. Afterwards, it made its way to other countries over the world until it became a pandemic that caused everyone to panic.
To cope with this virus that there was not yet a cure for, most countries all over the planet put their citizens into a lockdown where they could no longer meet up with their friends. They had to stay indoors all the time.
During this time, people baked banana bread, used Relaxation CBD, learnt new skills, or spent the whole time watching Netflix.
While some people loved it because it was a chance for them to get some time off work, others were not so happy as they no longer had a social life.
Impact on business
Being unable to trade for several months at a time had an enormous impact on most businesses. Even if you were lucky enough to have the government help you to get by, there would have been no opportunity to grow, and starting a business would have been about as easy as finding a snowball in Hell.
Once the lockdowns started to end, the economy had broken so much that even some of the biggest companies ended up going bankrupt. The reality is that running a company is even more difficult than it was this time last year.
Need for safety
Because of a combination of less money and fear of the virus, fewer people are eating out, and spending their money on unnecessary luxuries.
To convince more people to buy from them, many businesses are adding extra hygiene measures to ensure that people feel safe when they visit. By making sure people keep a 2m distance, having hand wash stations, and offering free face masks, people will feel safer and less likely to fear getting the virus.
By adding safety measures, you’ll be encouraging more people to buy from you as you’ll come across as aware of what’s going on in the world.
The new normal
This does, of course, beg the question of “will it last?”
Of course, most of us are hoping that Corona is going to be over soon. But there is no guarantee that scientists are ever going to develop a vaccine. And even if they find a cure to Coronavirus, what’s to say a new virus isn’t going to take its place?
Even though these new restrictions might take a bit of getting used to, it’s probably for the best that we used to them. I know that many won’t like what I have to say, but perhaps this is going to be the “new normal”.
The latest “trend” (if you can call it that) in business is taking Coronavirus seriously.
Most people will only want to shop in places that take it seriously. They’ll be after places that they can walk into without feeling like they’ll be killing grandma in the process.