Technology Creating Competition for Disc Jockeying

Josh Nass can serve as an outstanding model for emulation, for the purposes and interest of those interested in disc jockeying. The need for diversity in the disc jockeying business is real. The industry has become increasingly difficult for disc jockeys to be able to monetize over time. And the reasons are pretty simple. The industry is so vast and has so much competition. It is only natural that in the space of so much competition and a cut-throat mentality, it becomes increasingly difficult to be able to accomplish success.

According to Josh Nass, the technological advances in mobile technology and otherwise, have spurred a movement of a cut-throat environment among disc jockeys in the industry – all of whom are trying their best to contend for the largest audience. Part of the problem really has to do with the fact that the market is so saturated; and the audience for terrestrial radio is dwindling by the minute.

Technology has created an environment where listeners and consumers of good programming and content are no longer wed to one specific medium. In the past, terrestrial radio was the only available means for the ability to communicate with an audience in a disc jockey capacity – but this has changed drastically.

In the current environment, which has been responsible for due to the continued emergence of different mobile platforms that are alternate from terrestrial radio, there’s the ability for anyone to have a platform for disc jockeying – which has increased competition tenfold from what it was initially.

This isn’t necessary unhealthy for the industry, but it does require adaptation, innovation and additional strides to create programming that is as state of the art, unique and different than anything out there. But then again, this is the nature of a proper capitalist-driven environment. There’s competition which creates a need for higher quality products, programming and services on the part of disc jockeys or whatever the industry may be.

Disc jockeying has now become a way of breaking down different genres. There’s such diversity when it comes to the type of programming available. There’s everything from sex talk; to comedy; to entertainment, and the like. There’s even programming on medical and healthcare issues. There are indeed disc jockeys that take themselves and their programs as platforms a lot more seriously than do most disc jockeys – or what one might consider to be the traditional disc jockeys or the definitions of what those disc jockeys are like.

This is a constructive development that has been driven by the mobile technological advances that have led to the accessibility of platforms for disc jockeys to be incredibly diverse and vast. With that accessibility, has come considerably more programming and by exchange, more disc jockeys. It has led to a proliferation of competition the likes of which the disc jockey business has never seen before.

There are indeed downsides to the proliferation of platforms and therefore heightened accessibility on the part of disc jockeys that would otherwise not exist. For example, there is the idea that this democratization of disc jockeying platforms allows platforms to fall into the hands of some bad faith actors. In turn, these bad faith actors can indeed seek to use their platforms as disc jockeys to achieve objectives and ends that are nefarious.

This is problematic, especially within the context of freedom of speech and the desire among all advocates in the industry to not do anything that might abridge it . To the extent such hate-speech is being used by disc jockeys, the platform administrators need to be overseeing and supervising the programming in a way many presently aren’t.

We have seen first-hand the effects that dangerous speech can have – no matter the platform (social media included) on the ability to provoke violence and outbursts that lead to potentially damaging, devastating and even in some cases fatal consequences. These are issues that need to be litigated and discussed in the proper forums to ensure there is mutual cooperation.

The reality of the industry changes has brought significant debate over what qualifies as speech, and the like. This is a debate that is a uniquely American one. And it’s a healthy and even cathartic one for us all to have, whether in the disc jockeying industry or otherwise. Regardless, this is an industry that will continue remaining cut-throat in terms of its competitive edge; but the ability to have a platform will only increase, as the space continues to be democratized.

Josh Nass is a disc jockey with an understanding of the future of the industry due to his history at HAM Radio. Disc Jockeying is an expression of our first amendment rights. The different genres that now exist due to the changes in the industry, are healthy, exciting and invigorating. More choice is a healthy development. Good for disc jockeys seeking the spotlight; and seeking success.