How to Create an Effective Sleep Routine During the Winter
|The winter season has a unique way of throwing people off schedule. Sleep struggles are common this time of year, and you may find it harder to get enough rest when the days are short and your schedule is long. These strategies can help you develop an effective sleep routine for several months.
Use CBD Products for Deep Sleep
Fortunately, you have an option for a treat that won’t keep you up all night. If you like a sweet treat before bedtime, then CBD products come in gummy versions that allow you to have a sleep-friendly burst of flavor that also helps you fall asleep. Alternatively, you could use a CBD tincture to unwind. Either way, using plant-based strategies to induce relaxation helps you get proper rest without feeling any ill effects in the morning like you might with alcohol.
Open Up the Curtains
Many people start their bedtime routine too late to make much of a difference. The truth is that what you do in the morning can set the tone for the evening. Start by letting sunlight enter your room in the morning. Then, do your best to spend time outside during the day or at least sit by a bright window. On cloudy days, you can use a lamp designed for light therapy to stimulate your body’s circadian rhythms.
Exercise During the Day
If you find yourself feeling anxious at night, then the problem could be that you’re not burning off enough energy during the daytime hours. Exercise helps to release hormones that promote stress relief. Tiring your body out can also help you relax better at night. Keep in mind that exercise should end within two to three hours before bedtime to avoid feeling wound up at night.
Avoid Stimulants Before Bedtime
Indulging in too many holiday treats can interfere with your bedtime routine. If possible, try to avoid drinking alcohol for several hours before bedtime. You’ll also want to limit food and beverages with caffeine. For instance, chocolate could contain enough caffeine to interfere with your sleep. If you enjoy a cup of hot cocoa or a slice of cake, then try to do so early in the evening when it is less likely to disrupt your rest.
Set Your Bedroom Up for Success
Using your bedroom as a home office can send signals to your brain that it’s time to work instead of falling asleep. The same is also true if you have lots of stimulating electronics in your room. Try to create a relaxing bedroom that you only use for the primary purpose of sleep. Installing light-blocking shades, using a soft comforter, and adding adjustable lighting are a few ways to make your bedroom an oasis that you can go to when it’s time for quality rest.
Once you’ve created a routine that works, you may decide to keep it as the weather begins to warm. While you may have fewer activities on your schedule in the spring, you can still benefit from being proactive about getting enough rest. From carrying your CBD products with you on vacation to opting to read a paperback before bed rather than scroll on your phone, you’ll find that waking up well-rested is worth the small adjustments you make to your routine.