How important is a good web hosting provider?
|The use of digital marketing campaigns and relevant strategies have become so competitive that ecommerce websites and online stores cannot go on without having to hire the best possible web hosting provider to perform better than competitors who use slow loading services.

A web hosting provider has many benefits for business and ecommerce websites, and their marketing efforts. The use of a web hosting provider can improve how well an ecommerce website or online store can perform in relation to consumer demands, in other words, how well a website can keep up with site traffic, online orders and purchases, and customer correspondences. Let’s look at how a web hosting provider can improve certain factors that contribute to a website’s performance.
Site uptime
Site uptime is a very important factor that can influence how well a website performs. For ecommerce websites and online stores it is important that their websites do not suffer from extended periods of downtime as this can drastically affect online marketing campaigns, or even worse, a company’s online sales. Using a web hosting provider can significantly improve a website’s uptime. Most web hosting providers guarantee, on average, a 99.95% site uptime rate, and many more with higher rates. Having a web hosting provider that offers backups as part of their hosting packages can also only help avoid your website going down.
Load speed
Load speed, also referred to as site speed, is the time taken for a website to load, and time it takes to shift between different pages. A faster load speed can lead to more browsing time and interaction by customers and views. Due to the competitive nature of ecommerce websites and online stores, and the ease at which products and services are made available to customers online, having a fast load speed, which a web hosting company can provide, is crucial to retaining customers and repeat purchases.
Capability to handle high traffic volumes
It’s very important that websites are able to handle spikes in site traffic, especially on days like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, or any other kind of marketing promotion where online traffic and sales tend to go up. Many times an unexpected surge in website traffic can result in site downtime, but web hosting providers can help manage these kinds of spikes in online traffic; and with larger ecommerce websites, certain web hosting providers that specialize in hosting ecommerce websites, can very easily scale to a million viewers or visitors per month. Having a web hosting provider that offers an isolated environment for handling and processing online orders will also improve and streamline a website’s ability to handle high traffic volumes; and a web hosting provider that has good customer support will be able to resolve any issue that results from surges or spikes in website traffic due to marketing campaigns and increasing online sales.
Why are top web hosting providers beneficial?
Any average hosting provider is no longer sufficient. Read more about the top choices in the market before making a choice. For ecommerce websites, having a web hosting provider that has the capability to protect the security of its customers’ information, personal and financial details, is necessary, if not essential. There is no point in spending money on a web hosting provider if it cannot deliver on the above-mentioned ecommerce performance factors, and if it cannot guarantee the security of a website’s users and customers. An ecommerce website will fare much better opting for a dedicated hosting plan, as the chance of your IP address being spammed is much greater with shared hosting, and web spammer can seriously harm a website’s credibility and any digital marketing campaign associated with it. Settling for poor web hosting, which might save you a few dollars, will however invalidate the digital marketing efforts of your ecommerce website and compromise any online economic activity it may generate.
Because web hosting providers can influence a website’s performance factors, for the better, and can improve the security capacity of a website, for ecommerce websites and online stores, it is a no-brainer to choose a reputable and well-known web hosting provider that can improve the performance of your website and protect your clients at the same time. Having a good web hosting provider has never been more important.