Best Tools for Keeping Track of Your Phone
|These days, your phone is your most valuable tool a lot of the time. It allows you to connect instantly with friends and family, contact emergency assistance in situations of need, and just stay in touch with the world. These small devices have endless possibilities, but phones are also known for one other thing: being easily misplaced. To track a phone isn’t necessarily a hard thing to do, however, having the appropriate equipment or software is needed to do that properly. Just like you might wear helmets by Icon when you ride a motorcycle, you need to understand ways you can secure your phone and keep it safe. Here are tools you can use to better keep track of your phone.
Avoid turning the ringer off, use a timed silent mode
For many of us, scheduled quiet time during the work day or just when you want to relax includes turning off the ringer on your phone. But when you lose your phone, you’ll want to have that ringer on so that you can hear it if someone calls. Instead of just turning off your ringer, set up a timed silent mode that’ll shut off after a period of time. This way, if you do lose your phone in the couch cushions or in your bedroom, the silent mode will eventually come to an end and you can have a friend call your phone to figure out its location.
Use tracking apps and software
Another way to ensure the security of your phone is to use internal software or applications to track your phone when lost. On Androids and iPhones, you can use the Device Manager or Find My iPhone applications, respectively. These apps come already downloaded onto your phone. You can also download other apps that allow you to track a phone, both yours and other people’s. So you could even help friends find their phones.
Keep your phone in similar locations
A simple way to ensure you never lose your phone again is to keep it in the same location whenever you set it down. If you use a purse, keep it in the same pocket of your purse. If you wear pants with pockets, keep it in your front pocket regularly. Making a habit of keeping it in the same location whenever you set your phone down will ensure that you subconsciously always leave it in these set locations, making it easier to find if you do think it’s lost.
Avoid the back pocket
One place to avoid placing your phone, however, is in your back pocket. This is a popular place for people to keep their phones, but it’s also a place from which a thief can snatch it. Or if you happen to get in an accident while driving, this is a very precarious spot to have a phone.
Get a nice, heavy-duty phone case
If all you have is back pockets, though, consider getting a large, industrial case for your phone. Not only will this kind of case protect your phone from drops, falls and the environment, it’ll also make someone trying to lift your phone out of your pocket more noticeable.
Invest in a docking stand
If you’re not sure you want to trust leaving your phone in a purse, pocket or any general location, try investing in a docking stand. Docking stands are a simple way for people to consistently place their phones in one location, whether that be in your house, car or at work. A docking stand can also serve as a dock for recharging your phone.
Take out insurance
Though most of us scoff at the phone salespeople suggestion of taking insurance out on your phone, it’s not really a bad idea. Taking out insurance on your phone means you can be reimbursed if it’s lost, stolen, or broken. Things happen in life and having the backup funds to replace hefty purchases like a new phone will only help you in the long run.
Use a password
If your phone does happen to get snatched or is misplaced, you’ll want to have a passkey or other locking measure set in place so that others cannot access your personal information. Many phones have options like face and fingerprint recognition, password, passkey and drawn-pattern locks to ensure your phone’s safety.