7 Telltale Signs That Your Small Business Sucks

1. It’s hard for you to pay your small business bills on time

 Every business has to make payments, whether it’s to landlords, tenants, employees, utilities, suppliers, or lenders like banks. Never neglect your small business grants.

Even though it’s common for smaller businesses to have trouble making the occasional payment, if creditors keep sending you threatening letters, phone calls, or emails asking for money, it could be a sign of a major cash-flow problem.

If you don’t answer this kind of letter from a creditor, they may take more serious action, which could mean the end of your business if you can’t pay.

2. You get payments that are late a lot

One of the main reasons why businesses can’t pay their own debts on time is that customers don’t pay them on time. If your payment terms are too long or you don’t have a set way to collect payments, you could run out of money and not be able to run your business well.

3. There are a lot of people who leave their jobs

Staff turnover is an inevitable part of running a business, but it doesn’t always mean the business is failing. Even in the most successful businesses, people leave all the time. On the other hand, a high turnover rate is a sure sign that something is wrong with your business. Low employee morale can be caused by several things, such as poor pay, bad working conditions, or bad management. The result is low production and high costs for hiring and training.

4.You’ve already used up all of your credit

If you have borrowed as much as possible on your business credit cards or bank overdrafts and have been turned down for more money, you should consider why. Instead of trying to get more money, you should look at your cash flow again and see if your business is losing money.

5.You don’t get paid by the company vendors

If you’re having trouble paying your employees and you haven’t gotten a paycheck from the company in a while, this could be a sign that the business is failing. Even if you expect to get a big payout, it might not be enough to make things better for good. 

6.Your business has moved away from what it used to do best

Businesses sometimes change what they offer to grow, but if they do this at the cost of staying too close to their core competencies, it can often lead to higher costs, new competitors, and a loss of the competitive advantage they have worked so hard to build.

A company that is having trouble making money may have a portfolio with too many different things. 

7.There are always fires to put out.

If you spend your day jumping from one problem to the next instead of focusing on the big picture of running your business, there may be some important issues.

It’s easy to get caught up in micromanagement, but if you’re too busy with the day-to-day operations of your business, you might not be able to see and fix the problems’ root causes.

And how bad is your social media doing?