Word Counter: What Tools to Use

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The Word Counter has a swiss army knife worth of tools that are great for professional writers as well as students and everyone else who has to put words to paper. The first and most obvious tool is the primary word counting tool. 

To use the word counting tool, all you need to do is simply copy and paste your text into the box that appears prominently on the website. After that, the Word Counter system will give you immediate results. 

Also, after you paste in your text, the Word Counter will begin checking your content for grammar and other issues, all of which can help you greatly improve the quality of your content.

There is an expression that goes, “Some people get so close they can’t tell the trees from the forest.” All this expression is referring to, is that sometimes it is difficult to see yourself or your work clearly. Why? Because you have been looking at it for so long, you can no longer tell the trees from the forest. Your perspective, in other words, is too narrow, and you are therefore blinded. 

The reason this matters for writers is that while there are many writers out there, only a few of them of the humility and perspective to realize that it takes more than good, stylistic writing to create something great. You also need to remove as many errors as possible. Writers used to have to pay and work with editors to achieve the kind of results that, today, can be found for free using tools like the online Word Counter. 

Three other tools featured prominently on the word counter are Facebook, Twitter, and Google counters. These three counters are especially important for digital marketers and those who create online content. Why? Because social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus have strict limits when it comes to word counts. If you create a Facebook or Twitter post, for example, you want to do your best to keep the content within the range of a single post or Tweet. Yes, Facebook posts are allowed to be very long. But, if you can keep your post to within the 250-word range, it can work wonders for the number of people who read your stuff, because, rather than having to click “Read More” on the post, they will be able to see everything right in front of them.

Twitter, for its part, raised the character-limit of an individual Tweet from 240 to 280 characters. This is a notable addition to the platform, which effectively became famous for people talking about it as the place where you have to encapsulate everything into 240 characters. Nevertheless, many are pleased with the change from 240 to 280 characters as the amount is still small and can be read by users very quickly. Also, it leaves fewer and fewer people needing to string multiple tweets together. One thing to keep in mind about Twitter is that you can use the Word Counter tool to try and hone down what you are saying. Rather than stringing together multiple tweets, you are far better off taking a little extra time to be concise and clear about what you are trying to get across.

The Word Counter also has a fantastic area for checking the reading time, listening time, and reading level of your work. All three of these tools can come in tremendous handy.

Now that you know what tools to use when online with the Word Counter, you can improve your papers as well as your work and even your emails by checking how many words you are using and always using the Word Counter’s grammar-checking features.