Mobile Innovation Taking the Lead
|Josh Nass has worked as a disc jockey for a considerable period of time, starting in his late teens to today. He started his foray into disc jockeying in South Dakota at a local radio station. At that time, terrestrial radio was emerging and still very much a relevant medium with a sizable audience. As time progressed and things developed, of course the focus has transitioned from terrestrial radio to satellite radio which has emerged as a very popular medium for radio listeners.
According to Josh Nass this was a trend that was bound to happen, over time. The reasons are fairly clear and straightforward; and there needs to be proper reporting about why this trend continues evolving so that those in the disc jockeying industry are able to adapt accordingly before losing their livelihoods and their jobs.
What people forget is that there’s many people that work in what was formerly the disc jockeying industry other than the disc jockeys or hosts themselves. There’s those that coordinate the programming themselves. There’s the call-in screeners, who supervise and accept incoming calls to ensure that they are clean callers that aren’t going to make any expletive-laced commentary that’ll make it on air. And of course, there are the producers and guest-bookers who work on the program.
The reason it’s important that people be conscious of all the various people and the roles they fill, that work in the industry of traditional disc jockeying, is that their jobs are on the line , and with that their livelihoods. Each individual has families of their own that they have to provide for, and ensure they have a financially stable situation to be able to be in a position to provide adequately for them.
So why is this important? Because if the current industry in its current form does not change substantially enough, then it is surely inevitable that the terrestrial radio industry will become obsolete and obscure over the coming years. There needs to be innovation and creativity on the part of those working in the radio and disc jockeying industries to ensure that proper changes are implemented to ensure the survival of the industry.
Every industry has been affected by mobile and technological advances. But those industries that have been affected have wisely taken the imperative to seek to change the ways they traditionally operated in an effort to sustain their industry and their respective business. This is an important fact that cannot go unnoticed for those in the disc jockeying industry.
So let’s discuss ways that adaptations in this particular case can actually lead to the survival and in some cases even the reemergence of audiences for these disc jockeys that are still backward-thinking, and remain so.
One of the things they must do is ensure their programming is heard on as many alternative platforms as possible. Podcasts for instance have become hugely popular over time, and that trend should be taken advantage of by disc jockeys and program hosts alike. But it’s not enough for disc jockeys to place their programming on podcasts. They need to ensure those programs are monetized as well. After all, what is it worth if it’s not in terms of generating decent cashflow?
The ways to do this (at least the most obvious of ways) is through the implementation of advertising revenue. This will ensure that digital advertising generates the cashflow itself. There are surely a myriad of other mobile technologies that can be used to broadcast the platform. A disc jockey’s programs can now be heard on an app on any Apple product, whether an iPhone, iPad or the like. Take advantage of these. Of course, there is also Youtube – which can also add an additional video component, which some disc jockeys will especially appreciate. Of course, advertising is easily accessible and available on this medium as well.
Josh Nass is a disc jockey who recognizes that changes have come to what was once an archaic industry known for not having technologically savvy undercurrents. It’s time for changes to be made to ensure the survival of the industry – and that it is rescued, in ways it otherwise wouldn’t be.