6 Law Firm Web Design Tips to Improve Your Lead Gen Efforts

Just 15 or 20 years ago, merely having a website for your law firm was considered a differentiating factor. Today, every law firm in America has a unique web address. So, if you want your website to generate any meaningful results for your firm, you have to go the extra mile. This means designing and optimizing with user behavior in mind.

A website can be a great lead generation tool. Here are some simple web design tips to help you make the most out of your site:

1. Keep it Simple

There’s a rule web designers talk a lot about when building websites: the KISS Principle. The acronym stands for Keep it Simple, Stupid. And when it comes to creating a law firm website that’s optimized for lead generation, KISS is everything.

Superfluous design elements, while fun from a web developer’s perspective, are nothing more than distractions. This friction limits a website’s ability to convert and drives prospective leads away.

2. Make it Visually Pleasing

Don’t confuse simplicity with basic. Just because a website needs to be simple, doesn’t mean it has to be boring or unappealing. You still need to make your law firm website visually pleasing so that visitors feel comfortable whilst engaging with your content.

“If the visuals are jarring, distracting, or downright aggressive, this can make your visitors want to leave and look elsewhere,” ApricotLaw mentions. “Colors, patterns, font style and size, and overall layout are all designed to be visually pleasing for the visitor.”

3. Reduce Page Loading Speed

Few things are more frustrating for an internet user than web pages that take a long time to load. We’ve all been on the other end of a website that’s slow and clunky; it’s imperative that your law firm doesn’t fall victim to this chokehold.

Research shows that a simple one-second delay in page loading time results in 11 percent fewer page views and a 7 percent reduction in conversions! As the page loading time increases, conversions become further suppressed.

Thankfully, the recipe for speeding up your website is pretty clear (albeit a bit technical). Here’s a helpful guide on everything that goes into the process.

4. Ensure Intuitive Navigation

In the past, law firm websites tried to cram as much content as possible onto as many pages as they could. This resulted in complex website hierarchies with lots of different parent pages, subpages, landing pages, etc. This is no longer the best practice.

Intuitive navigation is a must. Visitors should be able to easily move to any part of your website without much mental processing. Spend time coming up with a simple website layout that does more with less.

5. Use a Consistent Voice

Your website serves as a trust signal for your law firm. It’s the first interaction most prospective clients have with you and it’s important that you cultivate positive first impressions. One of the ways you can do this is through the use of a consistent voice.

All content – including page copy, blog posts, videos, images, logos, and designs – must be consistent. Inconsistencies in word choice, tone, or colors cause visitors to doubt your integrity and trustworthiness. To stay on top of this matter, create a style guide and use it in all of your web design and content marketing endeavors.

6. Showcase Your Results

You’re in the business of getting results for your clients. If you want more clients to sign on with your firm, you need to show them that you can get the results they need. The best way to do this is through case studies, testimonials, and referrals that are prominently featured in key areas on your website – including the homepage!

Reach More Clients in Less Time

The beauty of having a compelling website that’s optimized for generating leads is that you can build your business on autopilot. In other words, your ability to onboard new clients isn’t directly dependent on the number of hours you have in a day. You can generate leads while you work with existing clients (and even while you sleep).

In the meantime, if you lack the time or expertise to optimize your law firm website, you can always hire an outside company to handle things like web design, content writing, SEO, link building, social media, advertising, and website analysis for you. Using these web design tips will all but guarantee your revenue to skyrocket!